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I can engrave pretty much anything within reason on a sign.  Pick a wood and some text and let me know.....I'll make it happen.

GIANT Pecan cutting board with handle

GIANT Pecan cutting board with handle

Custom made to take to BBQ events!

Solid Monolith Black Walnut

Solid Monolith Black Walnut

Engraved and filled with blue acrylic.

Small Board with V

Small Board with V

Lasterday giveaway contest.

Amazing Balck Walnut with Acrylic

Amazing Balck Walnut with Acrylic

Notice the little bit of sap wood creating a horizon behind the penguins.

Live Edge Pecan Charcuterie

Live Edge Pecan Charcuterie

With a Custom G!

Classic Large Edge Grain with G

Classic Large Edge Grain with G

Pecan Bowl and French Rolling Pin

Classic Large Board with B

Classic Large Board with B

Bowl of MYSTERY woods



The business



I can put anything on a sign....within reason....



Simple engraved sign

W Monogram

W Monogram

People love their monograms!



Simple sign but coffee......

Lasterday again

Lasterday again

Just because.....

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